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Accuphase M-1000

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Technic details


Monophonic power amplifier
[Continuation average output (For 20Hz - 20kHz)]
Normal Load Imp. Operation (0.01% of distortion):
4ohm - 1800W
8ohm - 1000W
16ohm - 500W
Low Load Imp. Operation (0.05% of distortion):
1ohm - 1600W
2ohm - 1100W
4ohm - 550W

Total harmonic distortion:
1-4ohm load - 0.05%
4-16ohm load - 0.01%
IM distortion:
Frequency response:
20Hz - 20kHz, ±0dB (at the time of a continuation average output level control MAX)
0.5Hz - 150kHz, and +0 -3.0 dB (at the time of 1W output level control MAX)
0.5Hz - 80kHz, and +0 -3.0 dB (at the time of 1W output level-control 6dB)
Load impedance:
Normal Load Imp. Operation - 4-16ohms
Low Load Imp. Operation - 1-4ohms
Dumping factor:
200 (EIA 50Hz)
[Input sensitivity]
Normal Load Imp. Operation:
3.56V (at the time of 8-ohm load and a continuation average output)
0.12V (at the time of 8-ohm load and 1W output)
Low Load Imp. Operation:
1.87V (at the time of 2-ohm load and a continuation average output)
0.06V (at the time of 2-ohm load and 1W output)
Input impedance:
Unbalance - 20kOhm
Balance - 40kOhm
S/N (A-compensation):
125dB (at the time of input short-circuit and a continuation average output)
95dB (at the time of input 1kohm and 1W output)
The semiconductor used:
99 x Transistor, 13 x FET, 31 x IC, 142 x Di
Fan for heat dissipation O-83 (10,000¥)

Power source:
100V, 117V, 220V, 240V, 50Hz/60Hz
Power consumption:
At the time of no inputting - 120W+120W
Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law - 600W+600W
At the time of an 8ohm load Output power - 800W+800W
Dimensions (W x H x D):
481 x 239 x 489mm

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